Thursday, April 30, 2009

An Excellent Intro

Here's a great webcomic from, authored by Kris Straub, that does an excellent job of summarizing some of my feelings on the subject of the general feet-dragging that has been going on in the world of print.

Inaugural Post

For some time now, I've found myself watching and wondering as the inevitable march of technology outdates age old print institutions in our society. In a month, I will be the proud recipient of a Bachelor's Degree in English, and as a traditionally self-proclaimed bibliofile I've felt mixed as I see newspapers around the country shut down or reorganize, products like the Kindle (and others) move in on the paper-lovers' territory, and as I watch the internet grow in power and popularity among my peers. Until now.

I have decided to embrace this revolution: Gutenberg be damned, for your age is coming to a swift close. I have listened to my fellow students bemoan the loss of daily papers or books, and I no longer want to be a part of it. The internet has come, the internet is good, and whether you like it or not, change is here.

In this blog I intend to chart the increasingly rapid fall of print media, the rise of new and different methods of human expression and communication, and of course, provide my ever-insightful commentary. For the most part, I will argue that this transition is both good and necessary to keep the pace with modern (mostly American-centric, because that is the culture in which I live) life. Am I stabbing journalists and authors in the back? Damning our library system? I would say no. I am suggesting that instead of dragging ourselves into the future kicking and screaming, we embrace the changes and all the possibilities a new medium(s) can hold.